coffee --bare -wc file_name
で変換した。 = () -> cc.view.adjustViewPort(true) cc.view.setDesignResolutionSize(800, 450, cc.ResolutionPolicy.SHOW_ALL) cc.view.resizeWithBrowserSize(true) # load resources cc.LoaderScene.preload(g_resources, () -> cc.director.runScene(new HelloWorldScene()) , this)
res = HelloWorld_png : "res/HelloWorld.png" CloseNormal_png : "res/CloseNormal.png" CloseSelected_png : "res/CloseSelected.png" g_resources = [] for i in res g_resources.push(res[i])
HelloWorldLayer = cc.Layer.extend( sprite:null, ctor:() -> ############### # 1. super init first this._super() ############## # 2. add a menu item with "X" image, which is clicked to quit the program # you may modify it. # ask the window size size = cc.winSize # add a "close" icon to exit the progress. it's an autorelease object closeItem = new cc.MenuItemImage( res.CloseNormal_png res.CloseSelected_png () -> cc.log("Menu is clicked!") this ) closeItem.attr( x: size.width - 20 y: 20 anchorX: 0.5 anchorY: 0.5 ) menu = new cc.Menu(closeItem) menu.x = 0 menu.y = 0 this.addChild(menu, 1) ############## # 3. add your codes below... # add a label shows "Hello World" # create and initialize a label helloLabel = new cc.LabelTTF("Hello World", "Arial", 38) # position the label on the center of the screen helloLabel.x = size.width / 2 helloLabel.y = 0 # add the label as a child to this layer this.addChild(helloLabel, 5) # add "HelloWorld" splash screen" this.sprite = new cc.Sprite(res.HelloWorld_png) this.sprite.attr( x: size.width / 2 y: size.height / 2 scale: 0.5, rotation: 180 ) this.addChild(this.sprite, 0) this.sprite.runAction( cc.sequence( cc.rotateTo(2, 0), cc.scaleTo(2, 1, 1) ) ) helloLabel.runAction( cc.spawn( cc.moveBy(2.5, cc.p(0, size.height - 40)) cc.tintTo(2.5,255,125,0) ) ) return true ) HelloWorldScene = cc.Scene.extend( onEnter:() -> this._super() layer = new HelloWorldLayer() this.addChild(layer) )