Dart 2.12から@requiredじゃなくていいのね stackoverflow.com
It has been put into use in several cashier-less Amazon Go stores, and the company said it has signed up thousands of users, but it didn't give a number. それはいくつかのレジなし店舗アマゾン・ゴーで使用されており、同社は数千人のユーザーを…
The new network will speed up data processing by up to five times. 新たなネットワークは最大で5倍、データ処理を迅速化する。
lose some weight 逆 put on weight
step down=resign to give up your position
His success in business came at a cost, however, with his marriage ending in divorce. しかしながら彼のビジネスでの成功には高い代償が伴い、彼の結婚生活は離婚で終わった。
at the side of the picture beside the picture
school grades A = EXCELLENT F - failure
competitive 競合する、競争に勝てる as good or better than others of a similar type To be competitive, the store dropped its prices. その店は他店に負けないよう値下げをした。
Flutter Tip: TabBar inside AppBar without Title | by Dhrumil Shah | Flutter Community | Medium bottomからflexibleSpaceにしたらOKとおもったら、変なスペースが入る。 https://blog.mrym.tv/2019/09/flutter-tabbar-without-appbar-title/ flexibleSp…
「その時、自分は何かできると思いました」 "That's when I knew I could do something about it," knewは知るだけじゃない「思う」もある
during the film during the movie showing
brew install libheif curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py -o get-pip.py python3 get-pip.py sudo pip3 install pyheif Pillow でインストールして、 以下のようにする https://qiita.com/tomoyk/items/c2a85dced32c08aca209
All of the essays will be graded on scale from 0–100. 小論文は全て、0~100点で採点される。 how would you rate my english on a scale of 1-10, 10 being the highest?
fold import 'dart:math' as math; void main() { var random = math.Random(); var hoge = [ List.generate(10, (int i) => random.nextInt(100) + 1), List.generate(10, (int i) => random.nextInt(100) + 1), List.generate(10, (int i) => random.nextI…
import 'dart:ui'; import 'package:app_name/generated/l10n.dart'; import 'package:app_name/utils/utils.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter_localizations/flutter_localizations.dart'; import 'package:flutter…
これを動かしたい /examples/stackoverflow 以下の実行が必須。さもないと足りない。 flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64917744/cannot-run-with-sound-null-safety-because-dependen…
ERROR ITMS-90717: "Invalid App Store Icon. The App Store Icon in the asset catalog in 'Exponent.app' can't be transparent nor contain an alpha channel." ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset とかの画像をちまちま開いて チェック外し…
SizedBoxを最初から突っ込んであとから別のWidget入れるときはすでにSizedBoxになってしまいエラー Widget _statusCircle(BuildContext context) { // var child = const SizedBox(); Widget child = const SizedBox(); // 男性のみ if (user.profile.gender…
エスノグラフィー(ethnography)とは、もともと文化人類学や社会学において使用される調査手法のことを指していました。 自分とは違った生活世界に住む人たちの文化やコミュニティを、アンケートなどを使った数字(定量的なデータ)ではなく、観察やインタ…
Apart from this one section where he has to ride up a hill, he says the journey is the best part of his day. Apart from this one section 〜区間の区間を除いて、的な意味
This means it will fit on some of the most popular wheel sizes found on bikes made for adults and can also be used on rental bikes. found on のphrasal verbsはfoundは見つけることの過去形ではない 基づく的な
croissant = /kruh·saant/ クロサーント
becoming what it says 表現は以下と同じ turned into changed into became into
However, the WHO says that while processed meat and cigarettes are in the same group, this only means that studies have shown that they can both cause cancer, not that they both have the same risk of causing it. Did the WHO say that proces…