

  • ・資産運用おすすめ
    資産運用ブログ アセマネ
    • ・寄付お願いします



    We make all our jewelry by hand, so every piece is unique. piece (noun) - a specific design or an artistic or literary composition The ruby and diamond necklace are the most expensive pieces in our store.

    spiteとかout ofとか

    英語。ーにもかかわらず、inspiteofというものがありますが、なぜspit... - Yahoo!知恵袋 (1) out of spite (2) in spite (3) in spite o Out ofのコアイメージは中から外への動きって考えると I am out of money →マネー"の"外側 He took my wallet out of …


    まずUIViewControllerで拡張変数作成 addedBool public extension UIViewController { private struct additional { static var addedBool: Bool = false } var addedBool: Bool { get { guard let theBool = objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &additional.ad…


    UIViewControllerを拡張して、StringやBoolが保存できる vc.addedString = "Str" vc.addedBool = true public extension UIViewController { private struct additional { static var addedString: String = "" static var addedBool: Bool = false // TODO:…


    横幅が短い場合これをする document.getElementsByClassName("css-24xmbf-TruncateStyled").forEach(item => {item.style.maxWidth = "1250px";})


    https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35766425/hide-navigation-bar-after-dismiss-controller https://www.codegrepper.com/code-examples/swift/how+to+remove+the+nav+bar+from+navigation+controller+in+swift

    weather reportと weather forecast

    A typical weather report tells you the high and low temperatures for the past day. Forecast is predicted weather. Weather report is what's happening now.

    影響 英語

    The effect of coronavirus affected our work.

    NikeシューズAdopt BB 2.0 のつながらない時

    Adopt BB 2.0 のつながらない時 ①アプリのアンインストール(ここの手順で再インストールはまだしないで下さい) ②Bluetoothの接続先解除(端末の設定からの操作となります) 削除いただく項目:EARL LEFT/EARL RIGHT ③2つのボタンを5秒間長押しします。LEDが…


    easy-peasy chock-a-block heebie-jeebies fender bender Don't worry, it's just a fender bender nitty gritty Let's get down to the nitty gritty: do you have insurance?


    映画の □■□■□■□ を表現したい One empty seat in between people. One seat apart. One empty seat exists in between people.


    公式 supabase.io サンプル、YouTubeもある https://github.com/adityathakurxd/supabase_flutter


    fvm use 2.2.1 --globalしてみた。 > fvm use 2.2.1 --global The global Flutter version is now 2.2.1 Make sure to add /Users/shinriyo/fvm/default/bin to your PATH environment variable Project now uses Flutter: 2.2.1 __________________________…


    subreddit is an online community AMA r/IAmA r/IAmA is a subreddit for question-and-answer interactive interviews termed "AMA" (short for "Ask Me Anything"). "OP," meaning "original poster." And during an "AMA" — or "ask me anything" — the …


    A noun can modify another noun that follows it. As a modifier, the first noun gives specific information about the following noun. In nearly all cases, the noun that acts as the modifier is in singular form.

    zappa initで勝手に選ばれる

    zappa init ███████╗ █████╗ ██████╗ ██████╗ █████╗ ╚══███╔╝██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██╔══██╗ ███╔╝ ███████║██████╔╝██████╔╝███████║ ███╔╝ ██╔══██║██╔═══╝ ██╔═══╝ ██╔══██║ ███████╗██║ ██║██║ ██║ ██║ ██║ ╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ Welcome …


    「The policy failed legacy parsingっ」てエラー ポリシー作るときに出てきた。 { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "iam:AttachRolePolicy", "iam:GetRole", "iam:CreateRole", "iam:PutRolePolicy", "apigatewa…

    「動かして学ぶ!Pythonサーバレスアプリ開発入門」 サンプルコード

    P150で SESSION_TYPE = dynamodb をコメントアウトしないとき python manage.py init_db Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/shinriyo/.local/share/virtualenvs/application-jAa1F8aU/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pynamodb/connection/base.…


    pipenvコマンドを打つと Install http://docs.pipenv.org/en/latest/ to use this package. のエラー?が出る。 https://github.com/sentriz/fish-pipenv M1のMacBook Airのせいかと思ってた。 そこのREADMEを見ると原因が書いてあるけど fisher install sen…

    in the bag

    in the bag = idiom, not literal meaning

    worked withがわからなかった

    The hotel worked with the Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI) to find the performers, 90% of whom were already diving instructors. ホテルはPADI(Professional Association of Diving Instructors)と協力して出演者を探したが、…

    expecting a baby in a few weeks

    expecting a baby in a few weeks 数週間後に出産を控えていた they love pushing me pushはencourage an audienceはcollectiveなのでanつく this year's event was held in a nearby baseball stadium with 5,000 spectators. みたいにaudienceに5000付けた…


    boardwalk 名詞 (海岸沿いの)遊歩道 ˈbɔːrdwɔːk の意味に2つあった a wide footpath along a beach or body of water along a beachは理解できるが body of water?? 水域にあるのってどんなってんの? along a beach body of water

    Affected と Effected

    Affected can be used as a past tense verb that means influenced or changed. It can also be used as an adjective to refer to a noun that has been affected (the affected body part). Effected is a past tense verb that means brought about or a…

    salary, wages, pay

    eitangotsukaiwake.suntomi.com salary 固定給 wages 日給とか時給 pay 両方の総称


    圧縮、コンパイル 変換しないといけない ここオススメ ytyng.github.io https://8oclockis.blogspot.com/2018/08/javascript-conversion-service-for.html




    a をつけたいなら単位もつけないといけない a water ❌ a glass of water ⭕️ a meat ❌ a piece of meat ⭕️ a bread ❌ a slice of bread ⭕️ a useful equipment ❌ a useful piece of equipment ⭕️


    let calendar = Calendar.current これは年を使うときに危ない危険 ↓このiPhone設定が仏暦とか和暦だとやばい。 iphone-howto.jp dev.classmethod.jp let calendar = Calendar(identifier: .gregorian) かならずgregorian を使うこと。


    google_mobile_ads:のAdmobを使っている。 firebase_admobはもうオワコン。 ****************************************************************************** * The Google Mobile Ads SDK was initialized incorrectly. AdMob publishers * * should foll…