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    My friends thought I was crazy when I told them I was quitting my job so I can focus on finishing my novel. 日本語 小説を書き上げることに集中するために仕事を辞めると言ったら、友人たちは私が気の狂った人だと思ったでしょう。 〜なので、〜。み…


    Financialの発音 ai=US fi=UK


    There was a huge audience at the outdoor concert. 集合名詞(Collective Nouns)


    これはofの後に首都名、つまり「国名 of 首都名」 the Portuguese capitalなので、”ポルトガル'の'首都” the Portuguese capital of Lisbon これはofの後に国名、つまり「首都名 of 国名」 Lisbon, the capital of Portugal PortugueseではなくてPortugalに…


    鷹(タカ)・・・a hawk、a falcon (鷹狩用の) 鷲(ワシ)・・・eagle 白頭鷲(ハクトウワシ)・・・Bald Eagle、そのまままのハゲワシではなかった。Baldは頭が白い意味らしい。 鳶(トビ)・・kite 隼(ハヤブサ)・・falcon 調べたら詳しいサイトあった k…


    Tesla's decision to launch a car into space was a publicity stunt, not a scientific experiment. 自動車を宇宙に打ち上げるというテスラの決定は宣伝行為で、科学的な実験ではなかった。 ん? 2つ以上の意味を持つstunt:語い | English Pal 2つ目の意…


    complement- necessary to complete the meaning of a sentence S=主語(subject:サブジェクト)、 V=動詞(verb:バーブ) O=目的語(object:オブジェクト) C=補語(complement:コンプリメント) The 5 Basic Sentence Patterns in English ってい…


    "two peas in a pod." "My car is a lemon." "Thanks. You're a peach!" "go bananas"

    Just another day

    以下の文でanotherは何のためなのか? Shopping online, scrolling through social media and chatting to friends — that's just another normal day at the office, according to a new survey! "Just another day " ありふれた日常の出来事

    have someone to thank for

    And producers may have some of South Korea's biggest stars from the world of music and film to thank for their good year. 最初andがあったので、 And producers may have some of South Korea's biggest stars from the world of music film to than…


    Landslide victoryの英語由来的っぽい。 投票を土砂に見立てて https://academic-accelerator.com/encyclopedia/jp/landslide-victory


    豚、豚小屋 piggery= for pigs 鳥、鳥小屋 coop = for poultry

    倒置っぽいけど違う says S(主語)

    That's another sign, says Sean Brennan from Coffee Affection. 倒置ではない。 says とSean Brennan って逆。 英語でこの種の引用のスタイルや構造に言及する際、一般的には「attribution」(帰属)や「reporting clause」(報告節)などの用語が使用され…

    knocked unconscious

    Knocked out - knocked unconscious knock A C AをなぐってCの状態にする 受動態にしなければ、たとえば The man knocked him unconscious. となる。 受動態にすると、形容詞がその位置にくることになるのだと思います。



    Shall we start? Shall we get started? Yes, we shall. We can carry on. Let's get started. No, not yet No, we shall not. shalln't 短く


    Let's say you want help training for a marathon, but only want the most recent advice. You could write, marathon training after:2020. This way, you won't get any articles that were published before 2020. This also works with before. 翻訳 …

    How have you beenの質問

    How have you been so far? I've been doing well so far.


    原文 In 2020, Kagawa prefecture said people under 20 should limit their time spent playing video games to one hour per day during the week and 90 minutes on weekends. 飜訳 2020年に香川県は、20歳未満の人はビデオゲームをする時間を平日は1日1…

    spatial awareness

    spatial awareness. 認知機能の低下


    My father drove us to the electronic store.

    pure breed - purebred

    pure breed - purebred (past) pure breed ... adj purebred ... noun

    What sets her apart from other competitors is her will to win at any cost.の文

    What sets her apart from other competitors is her will to win at any cost. 彼女が他のライバルと違うのは、どんな犠牲を払ってでも勝ちたいという彼女の意志だ。 herは目的語 "What sets them/me/him/her/it/you apart from other competitors "

    oars と paddles違い

    oar rowboat(手漕ぎボート)用・・・1本 paddle カヌー用・・・2つある


    pieces = artworks

    believe it or not

    意味「信じられないだろうけど」 believe it or not


    meanwhile/ meantime/ at the moment 同じ意味


    A hill is usually less than 984-1968 feet (300-600 meters) whereas a mountain is usually higher than 1968 feet (600 meters).


    rare の意味 not happening, done, found, etc. very often or in large numbers not happening not done not found not etc. not very often not in large number


    Per capita gross domestic product (GDP) is a financial metric that breaks down a country's economic output per person and is calculated by dividing the GDP of a nation by its population. capita・・・市民たる地位; 人物; 頭; 人; 個体 breaks …